Batch #2
Category: Decarbonisation & Construction Sector
One-third of global CO2 emissions are caused by the construction and building industry. For example, the production of the basic material cement releases more CO2 than the entire worldwide air traffic. The spin-off Co-reactive of RWTH Aachen University has therefore developed a method for decarbonizing processes in the cement industry. It is based on the fact that the carbon released during the production of cement is stored in the mineral olivine and reused as a low-emission raw material for green cement.
If you’re building a start-up in the Rhineland, there’s no way around HIGH-TECH.NRW. The Accelerator Programme has taken Co-reactive to a whole new level. In addition to the versatile workshops, the network of start-up enthusiastic experts is an important basis for our future success.
Orlando Kleineberg