Batch #3
Category: Numerical Simulation
The protection of people has the highest priority in road traffic. Car manufacturers are faced with the ever-growing challenge of making vehicles ever safer, while at the same time the requirements in the field of electromobility, particularly with regard to battery protection, are increasing. In this complex environment, the innovative software solution from INDUVOS offers a decisive competitive advantage. The software developed by the Wuppertal team INDUVOS uses algorithms based on expert knowledge to analyze the deformation of a vehicle during a virtual accident simulation and suggest geometric improvements to the vehicle structures based on this. In this way, it is possible to design safer and lighter vehicle structures with special consideration of manufacturability in mass production processes and at the same time reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in road traffic.
The program is a source of support for start-ups, both in the founding phase and beyond. The expert talks offer a wealth of valuable information and a wide range of contacts. The large network, commitment and expertise of the HIGH-TECH.NRW team make all the difference. We can recommend HIGH-TECH.NRW without hesitation!
Florian Beyer