The venture accelerator for high-tech and deep-tech start-ups as well as start-up projects from science and business with a focus on:

The focus of this accelerator program is on the following topics:

  • New Materials
  • Nanotechnology
  • Microsystems Technology
  • Nano- and Microelectronics
  • Optical Technology
  • Quantum Technology
  • Manufacturing & Process Engineering
  • Energy & Environmental Technology
  • Medical Technology & Healthcare


High-tech start-ups face very special challenges and at the same time play a key role in the sustainable development of the NRW economic region and entire industries. We help founders on their journey to future innovations in capital-intensive and highly complex high- and deep-tech fields.

The three pillars for the success of early-stage technology developments

HIGH-TECH.NRW is a venture platform and offers a customized 12-week accelerator program for high-tech and deep-tech start-ups. The program provides networking with investors, industry, and politics, and active further development from a technology to a sustainable business model.

Business Case Validation

Technologies are not an end in themselves. They are meant to help us solve problems and make our lives easier. Therefore, identifying a resilient business concept is particularly important.

Investment & Technology Readiness

In addition to the actual application of the technologies, factors relevant to risk management play a decisive role in the future due diligence of investors and partners.

Positioning & Scaling

Especially in highly complex developments, the right positioning and communication are the foundation for technological and entrepreneurial success.

Network effects for the NRW ecosystem

Start-ups as well as entrepreneurial spirit in key industrial technologies are the basis for a strong, climate-friendly and resource-efficient industry and thus a central and strategic factor for our innovation and business location.

Network partners in business and industry

HIGH-TECH.NRW networks medium-sized companies, hidden champions, and specialized technology companies with start-ups and innovation drivers across technologies and sectors.

Become partner now

and help shape the technological future!

We are looking for the best high-tech and deep-tech teams from NRW

The program is individually tailored to the needs of the founders:
We coach and network for strong visibility, helping you find your first customers and investors.

Teams with the following characteristics are especially in demand:

  • Hardware-based business ideas in above-mentioned areas
  • High-tech start-ups with disruptive potentials
  • Technologies with strong B2B verticals and/or positive SDG effects

Female Founder Teams are highly welcome!

What start-ups say about HIGH-TECH.NRW